One summer in the small town of Center, CO, 12-year-old twins Juan and Sophia Valdez are given an ancient silver medallion by their 100-year-old great grandfather. He tells them to look at the rising sun through the square hole in the medallion. When they do, they witness the death of a noble warrior in a battle between conquistadors and sling-wielding adversaries!
When the astounding scene abruptly disappears, they race to the old man for an explanation. He reveals that the battle they witnessed took place more than 500 years ago. He further discloses that Juan and Sophia are the latest in a series of heirs of the medallion, given by the dying warrior to his son Adzul.
Great Grandfather begins to tell them the story of Adzul’s perilous flight to protect the medallion from falling into the hands of the invaders. It is a story that will eventually lead all the way to Juan and Sophia, who must keep the medallion safe and discover its extraordinary secret dating back to the time of the Incan Empire.