About The Author

David Sage’s formative years were influenced greatly by time spent on his father’s ranch in Wyoming. Dean Sage had hunted and fished all over the world, and he passed on his love of the outdoors to his son. Dean was an accomplished storyteller and spent most evenings spinning tales of Indians, man-eating lions, or animal characters he borrowed from books like The Wind in the Willows.


By the time he was seven, David had become a voracious reader. He devoured books by Jim Kjelgaard, Jack London, Will James, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and many others. In his adolescent years, an uninterrupted hour or two with a book was a priceless treasure—a treat he looked forward to throughout high school and college.

Upon graduating from Williams College, David had every intention of joining his father on the ranch; however, Dean’s untimely death forced a change in plans. With his wife, Marcia, he moved to Denver before migrating to a new ski area called Vail.

The couple spent the next 30 years in Vail raising three children; years filled with adventures in the backcountry, Africa, Mexico, and Europe. In 2011 they moved to Story, Wyoming, not far from the ranch where he lived as a child.

During the early years in Vail, David began telling extemporaneous stories to his children, to occupy their minds during long hikes. As their children grew, he started telling in local schools to keep in practice. Word of his talent spread, and he’s been telling in schools, homes, and assorted venues around the country ever since. His books are expanded versions his stories.